Classroom Rules


Armstrong Attitude

Character education encompasses many aspects of a student’s life. At Armstrong School we are encouraging positive character traits. This year we are focusing on the Armstrong Attitude: Be Responsible; Be Respectful; Be Safe. This is a school wide initiative, which includes assemblies, classroom lessons, community projects, and positive reinforcements. During our lessons we will concentrate on the following traits: use appropriate and kind words; have a positive mental attitude; respect others and their property; be prepared with your materials and assignments; be on time; accept responsibility for your behavior; use materials properly; dress appropriately for the weather and for school; and think “green”.

1. Respect everyone and everything in the classroom

2. Follow Directions

3. Always raise your hand if you wish to speak

4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

5. Do your best!


Depending on the student's behavior, there will be consequences.

  • If a student breaks the rules once, there will be a verbal warning.
  • If the student breaks the rules a second time, there will be a note sent home to parents/guardians which they must sign and return.
  • If the rules are broken a third time, there will be a phone call home to parents/guardians. 
  • If a student is being physically or verbally abusive, he or she will be immediately removed from the classroom and sent to the principal.